Monday, January 28, 2008

Gracie's Addictions

Every morning as we are headed to daycare or sometimes before we ever leave the house, she has 2 things in particular that she asks for regularly!
The first is a "woo-hoo", which in translation is a yoo-hoo (chocolate drink). She loves them! The other thing is "little brown things", which in translation are hash rounds from Hardee's! Trampas got her some one morning for breakfast and it has since become her favorite thing to eat. She gets so mad during the day when she asks for them but they aren't serving them! A tater tot won't do, she wants the little brown things. She also has a hard time saying Hardee's for some reason, she calls it Potty's. Well that is what it sounds like! So she wants to go to "Potty's" and get the "little brown things"! Too funny! You just never know what she is gonna say next...the little stinker!


Lindsey said...

dont know what to do with 2 blogs in one day :) love her little car and her sweet almost words ha! these will be fun things to tell her when she is older for sure!!1

Tara said...

I love it! I think I will start calling them the little brown things too!